Foot & Knee Pain

Foot Pain and Knee Pain

Foot and knee pain combined make for a lowered quality of life. Knee and foot pain can cause debilitating symptoms that might impact your daily activities, mobility, and ability to play sports. Fortunately, at Oakview Chiropractic Center, Dr. Steven Shockley and his staff can help Omaha, NE residents feel much-needed relief from foot and knee pain. Through chiropractic techniques, we can provide effective pain management without using harmful medications or invasive surgery.


What Causes Foot Pain and Knee Pain?

Both foot pain and knee pain can cause concern, especially if they turn from acute to chronic pain. Although sometimes foot and knee pain can go away on its own, without proper treatment, foot and knee pain can reoccur and get progressively worse. Studies have shown that foot pain is commonly associated with pain in one or both knees.

Common causes of foot and knee pain include:

  • Plantar fasciitis, which is a swelling of the band surrounding the heel
  • Working in professions that require standing on your feet all day
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Flat feet, or lack of support for your feet
  • Torn meniscus
  • Degenerative disorders of the knee joint
  • Prior injuries
  • Older age

How Can a Chiropractor Help?

Chiropractors like Dr. Shockley are experts at understanding the root causes of foot and knee pain. They can determine whether your foot and knee pain are related and caused due to issues with your feet or if they are two separate conditions that must be treated separately.

Dr. Shockley will conduct a comprehensive physical exam which might also include imaging tests and thorough medical history to determine the right treatment plan for you.

Chiropractic treatment that can be effective at treating foot and knee pain include:

  • Shockwave therapy to encourage collagen production and help muscle injuries heal
  • Physical therapy 
  • Muscle stretches to decrease inflammation and muscle spasms
  • Muscle exercises to improve mobility and strengthen surrounding tissues of the foot and knee
  • Chiropractic adjustments

These chiropractic adjustments can help reduce swelling, increase mobility and flexibility, improve blood flow and circulation, and help reduce foot pain and knee pain.

In addition, your chiropractor can also recommend lifestyle changes for pain management, such as doing exercises at home, changing your footwear, and nutritional recommendations to help you lose weight and take added stress off your joints.

Schedule an Appointment with Our Chiropractor for Foot and Knee Pain Treatment in Omaha, NE

Foot and knee pain can be debilitating. The good news is that our chiropractic care team at Oakview Chiropractic Center in Omaha, NE, is here to help you find relief and help get you moving around again! Call us today to start your journey toward healing at (402) 334-0840.


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